The Liberty RoundTable Story

Twenty-five years ago, Sam Bushman, along with some friends, heard the best hard-hitting talk radio exposing the news the networks refuse to use. We thought, “This is either a huge fraud or these guys are on to something.” We researched their info and found out they were indeed stating the facts, and this encouraged us to get involved.

We went to the radio station managers and asked them to air the programming they had on at night at an easier time to listen to, and they refused! So we said, “We’ll pay you!” Of course, they agreed! Money talks! We soon found out that if you want to have your views heard in the media, you’d better own a piece of the media. He who has the gold, makes the rules!

Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire?

We bought the first radio station in 1996—AM 540, KNAK in Delta, Utah. We owned and operated that station for 10 years. We have now sold that radio station.

Reality Check

After learning the radio business via the world of hard knocks, we recall some valuable lessons:

  1. To be in the media takes lots (Did we say LOTS?) of money!
  2. Most people can’t take the controversy.
  3. The wrong kind of advertisers try to control what you cover or drop you like a rock!
  4. Lots of friends/supporters make heavy loads light!

Liberty RoundTable Mission Statement

Hard-hitting talk radio never has been and never will be supported by the mainstream in America! Liberty RoundTable is taking on the mainstream press like never before!

"News the networks refuse to use" is one of the best ways to educate the people! We invite all liberty-loving Americans to join with us to restore the principles of our Founding Fathers and promote God, Family, and Country in the media and our lives!

  • Listen Anytime Line: 641-741-2540
  • Now Syndicating: A hard-hitting, constitutional talk radio show called Liberty RoundTable on the Internet and to AM/FM radio stations across the country.
  • Available Live & Archived: Online, phone feed, and via the Roku Player 24/7.
Liberty Roundtable Podcast

Liberty Roundtable Podcast

Liberty RoundTable delivers The News the Networks Refuse to Use, promoting God, family, and country. Hosted by Sam Bushman, our nationally syndicated radio network is dedicated to protecting life, liberty, and property with truth-filled commentary and insights you can trust.
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