* Guest: Dr. Scott Bradley, Author of the book and DVD/CD lecture series To Preserve the Nation. In the Tradition of the Founding Fathers - FreedomsRisingSun.com
* Live From Prison, Guest: Political Prisoner, Former Colorado county clerk and Dear Friend Tina Peters Sentenced To 9 Years! - TinaPeters.us
* The Truth Matters! - We Pray For And Are Doing All We Can to Obtain Pardons On Jan 20th For Many Political Prisoners Including, Tina Peters, Steve Stockman and Stewart Rhodes For Starters!
* Guest: Marcy Hoshiko, Helping To Free Political Prisoner Tina Peters!
* From Gold Star Mother to Political Prisoner: Stand with Tina Peters an Elected Official, and a Whistleblower who honored her oath to the Constitution—now silenced for standing for truth!