* Guest: Sheriff Richard Mack Founder and President of CSPOA - A partnership between citizens and local law enforcement, especially sheriffs. Mack encourages those not in law enforcement to stand with their sheriffs. - CSPOA.org * The Rogue Government (Deep State) in Bed with the CIA
* Guest: Jack Lani, The Difference Between A Democracy And A Republic - WeTheKids.us
We The Kid’s goal is to “Return God to America’s Story” through accurate primary source material.
* We regret to inform our visitors that YouTube has removed all videos from the ‘We The Kids USA’ YouTube channel, affecting video content across our website and delaying key projects. YouTube cited “misinformation, egregious content, and scams” as reasons for removal, although we strongly believe our content does not violate these guidelines.
* Continued! - The Truth Exposed! - "The Crimes and Scandals of Sheriff Chad Bianco"