* Guest: Lowell Nelson - CampaignForLiberty.org, RonPaulInstitute.org
* DOGE: End The Global Engagement Center! - Ron Paul.
* Defector from China at the Highland Meeting.
* A Shout Out To Christians Everywhere - Have You Put Your Trust In God Forever?
* Jimmy Carter’s Hypocritical Olympic Boycott - Jacob Hornberger.
* Victory for Women and Girls as Court Erases Radical Title IX Rewrite - Kris Ullman, President of the Eagle Forum.
“We look forward to working with the incoming Trump Administration to further protect children from harmful queer ideology in classrooms and to prevent the medical abuse of children who suffer gender dysphoria. This victory, we hope, is the first of many to restore common sense and legal protections to the women, families, and children of America,” Ullman concluded.
* The ‘1, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000’ Protocol for Health and Longevity - TheEpochTimes.com
Read one piece of writing, laugh 10 times, breathe 100 times, write 1,000 words, and walk 10,000 steps. That's the regimen: read something (every day), laugh out loud 10 times (every day), breathe 100 times (every day), write 1,000 words (every day), and walk 10,000 steps (every day).