* Guest: Lowell Nelson - CampaignForLiberty.org, RonPaulInstitute.org
* Can Trump Fix Our Broken Foreign Policy? - Ron Paul.
* TikTok and the Freedom of Speech - Andrew Napolitano.
"The greatest computer-hacking enterprise on the planet is the federal government’s own National Security Agency. That’s your friendly 60,000-person strong domestic spying apparatus, which unconstitutionally captures without search warrants every keystroke on every device and all data transmitted into, out of and within the United States. All of this is funded by the same Congress that will crush the free speech rights of adults because it fears foreign hacking of their children."
* Three Utah bills to kill!
HB 27 "Voting Precinct Amendments" - "Powers that be" want to eliminate the caucus-convention system because they don't want grassroots voters choosing their public servants. We must remember that more important than voting is counting the votes. If we turn over to computers the counting of votes, then we will never be confident that the result is accurate or truthful.
HB 69 "Government Records and Information Amendments" - This bill makes it unlawful to access or disclose certain information relating to the method and timing of a voter casting a vote or returning a ballot. Specifically, it says an election officer may not disclose whether a voter (or group of voters) voted in person, by mail, or drop box; and the date the voter voted.
* We sincerely hope the Utah Legislature will restore in-person voting, in our precincts, on Election Day, on paper ballots (while allowing for absentee ballots where necessary), elections administered by volunteer judges (our neighbors), and ballots counted by hand by volunteer judges (our neighbors)--the process Utah used successfully for over a century.
HB 83 "Child Welfare Modifications" - This bill authorizes a juvenile court to issue an investigative warrant related to the health, safety, or welfare of a child. This is not a search warrant--it is an investigative warrant.
* The Biden Regime Was an Amazing Collection of Criminals - Paul Craig Roberts, LewRockwell.com
Let's be clear. There is no such thing as a "preemptive pardon"!
* Colombia Refuses Deportation Flights - TheEpochTimes.com
Trump threatened to impose 25% tariffs on anything imported from Columbia.
The Colombian president said his country would impose a 50% tariff on US goods entering Colombia.
* The Trump administration will be utilizing military aircraft to assist in the removal of thousands of illegal migrants out of the United States.