Radio Show Hour 2 – 02/03/2025
Liberty Roundtable PodcastFebruary 03, 20250:54:5025.1 MB

Radio Show Hour 2 – 02/03/2025

* Guest: Lowell Nelson -,

* US tariffs on Mexico to be paused for a month, Trump says.

* Truth in Education - Ron Paul.

* "The U.S. Department of Education is failing." The “Nation’s Report Card,” released last Wednesday, shows American schoolchildren are not learning more. "I knew it, and you knew it, but now the press is reporting it.

Even the Department of Education admits its failure!

* HR 899 End Fed Ed! - We Agree.

* The True Meaning of Education: Beyond Degrees and Classrooms - Liberty Advocate, Iron County News.

Education is one of the most misunderstood and manipulated aspects of human development. Many people equate education with schooling, believing that degrees and diplomas signify intelligence, wisdom, and preparedness for life. However, true education transcends structured classrooms and government-mandated curriculums. It involves the development of character, the ability to think critically, and the lifelong pursuit of knowledge."

The Liberty Advocate explains the decline of critical thinking this way. "Rather than developing independent, logical thought, students are conditioned to prioritize emotions over reason. This has led to a culture where opinions are formed based on feelings rather than facts, creating a society that is easily manipulated by media, politicians, and corporations.

"Additionally, education systems prioritize memorization over comprehension. Students are trained to pass tests rather than understand the deeper meaning behind subjects. The result is a generation of people who lack problem-solving skills and rely on external authorities for answers."

* Tulsi Gabbard's Confirmation Hearing in Senate Intelligence Community - Tom Cotton = chairman)

* Fidelity to the Constitution When We Need It - Andrew Napolitano,

"When former spy Edward Snowden revealed to the world that the federal government is spying on most Americans, most Americans were surprised and unhappy. But ... the people in the government had a pretty good idea of what government spies are doing." Boehner, Feinstein, Obama, and Cheney called Snowden a traitor. But Kucinich, Rand Paul, Bill O'Reilly, and Napolitano referred to Snowden as a hero.

* Snowden realized the unconstitutional nature of what the government was doing. He concluded that he could not be faithful to both of his oaths. The first oath (to retain secrets) is grounded in an (unconstitutional) federal statute that requires secrecy and punishes the exposure of secrets. The other oath is grounded in the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land and protects the natural right to be left alone.

Snowden rightly opted to obey the higher oath, his oath to the US Constitution.