Radio Show Hour 2 – 11/04/2024
Liberty Roundtable PodcastNovember 04, 20240:54:5025.1 MB

Radio Show Hour 2 – 11/04/2024

* Guest: Lowell Nelson -,

* Government Gaslights People about the Economy! "government economic figures hide the truth about the economy." - Ron Paul.

* "If the dollar loses its world reserve currency status, America would face a major economic crisis. This crisis could lead to the collapse of the welfare-warfare state and the fiat money system that makes it possible. The danger is the replacement could be even worse as a frightened populace turns toward an authoritarian promise of security in exchange for restriction of liberty. However, the collapse could also result in a turn toward respect for the principles of liberty, limited government, free markets, and a foreign policy of peace and free trade."

* Three Ideas from the Weekend.

* Tweedledee and Tweedledum - "Neither believes in the values that underlie the Constitution" - Judge Andrew Napolitano.

"Both Trump and Harris favor spending trillions more per year than the feds collect in taxes, just to keep certain folks happy.

* "Both candidates believe in increasing the reach of the federal government so far beyond the confines of the Constitution as to make the government utterly unrecognizable to those who crafted it 250 years ago. They both believe in giveaways for the poor, tax breaks for the middle class, bailouts for the rich and bribes to the states, just to maintain themselves and their parties in power.

* "Both candidates want to spend more on [our military] than the next 10 countries combined spend on their militaries.

"Does it matter who is president? Oh, it does emotionally — but not constitutionally. Both Harris and Trump will kill innocents, borrow trillions and crush liberty just to please their supporters and stay in power. Where are you, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you."

* Make America States Again - Gary Benoit,

* Living in Communist Cuba for 18 Years - Gabriela is passionate about warning people--especially the young people of America--about the evils of Communism and Socialism. She is raising a voice of warning about the evils of Marxism, which is a voice that our young people in America need to hear.

* Her presentation is so captivating, and her disposition so charming, that we hope to have her back early next year to speak again, so we can invite our children and grandchildren to join us, and hear what life is really like under Communism.

Many of those regulations and controls resemble the regulations and controls that are being put into place around us right now here in Utah and across America. She is warning us not to tolerate such things. We should heed her warnings!